Line list based Gaussian spectral model ======================================== .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.modelSuite .. autoclass:: LLGauss :members: Example: Evaluation and fitting ------------------------------- :: from PyAstronomy import modelSuite as ms import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Create our line list with 4 line lineList = np.zeros((4, 3)) # Assign wavelengths (in A) lineList[0, 0] = 5002.37 lineList[1, 0] = 5005.9 lineList[2, 0] = 5007.52 lineList[3, 0] = 5007.64 # Assign EWs (in A) lineList[0, 1] = 0.01 lineList[1, 1] = 0.05 lineList[2, 1] = 0.009 lineList[3, 1] = 0.12 # Assign depths (0-1) lineList[0, 2] = 0.97 lineList[1, 2] = 0.9 lineList[2, 2] = 0.99 lineList[3, 2] = 0.35 wvl = np.arange(5000., 5010., 0.01) # Get an instance of the LLGauss class llg = ms.LLGauss(lineList) # Have a look at the model parameters llg.parameterSummary() # Evaluate the model m1 = llg.evaluate(wvl) # Now apply rotational broadening [km/s] # with limb-darkening of 0.6 llg["vsini"] = 61.0 llg["eps"] = 0.6 # and evaluate again mvsini = llg.evaluate(wvl) # Next, apply a Doppler shift [km/s] llg["vrad"] = -32.7 # and evaluate mvrad = llg.evaluate(wvl) # Plot the results plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(wvl, m1, 'b.-') plt.plot(wvl, mvsini, 'g.-') plt.plot(wvl, mvrad, 'y.-') # Now use the model for fitting # We need "data" ... data = llg.evaluate(wvl) # ... with noise data += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.01, len(data)) # Lets modify the strengths of the Gaussians # and get it back. for i in range(llg.numberOfLines()): llg["A"+str(i+1)] += np.random.normal(0.0, 0.1) # Use all line strengths for fitting llg.thawLineStrengths() # and fit, data) # Plot the result plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.errorbar(wvl, data, yerr=np.ones(len(wvl))*0.01, fmt='bp') plt.plot(wvl, llg.evaluate(wvl), 'r--')