Rotational broadening profile ================================ .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.modelSuite .. autoclass:: RotBroadProfile :members: Example of usage ----------------- :: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt from PyAstronomy import modelSuite as ms # Get an instance of the model ... x = ms.RotBroadProfile() # ... and define some starting value x["xmax"] = 60.0 x["A"] = 1.0 x["eps"] = 0.8 x["off"] = 0.0 # Define a radial velocity axis vv = np.linspace(-90., 90., 200) # Construct some "data" and ... data = x.evaluate(vv) # ... add noise data += np.random.normal(0.0, 1e-3, data.size) # Fit the model using A, xmax, and eps as free # parameters ... x.thaw(["A", "xmax", "eps"]), data) # ... and show the resulting parameter values. x.parameterSummary() # Plot the data and the model plt.plot(vv, data, 'bp') plt.plot(vv, x.model, 'r--')