A Modern Mean Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence for O9V-Y0V Dwarf Stars =========================================================================================== .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.pyasl A table entitled "A Modern Mean Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence for O9V-Y0V Dwarf Stars" is kindly made available by `E. Mamajek `_. It holds a wealth of information on various stellar parameters as a function of spectral type. .. autoclass:: MMSCETSTable :members: Example ---------- :: from __future__ import print_function from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Instantiate class m = pyasl.MMSCETSTable() # Print the entire data file for l in m.getContent(): print(l, end='') print() print("Available columns: ", ", ".join(m.availableColumns())) # Get the tabulated data as an ASCII table td = m.getTable() # Plot absolute visual brightness vs. effective temperature plt.plot(td["Teff"], td["Mv"], 'b.-') plt.xlabel("Teff [K]") plt.ylabel("Mv [mag]") plt.show()