Instrumental (Gaussian kernel) broadening =========================================== .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.pyasl .. autofunction:: broadGaussFast .. autofunction:: instrBroadGaussFast Example of usage ----------------- :: from __future__ import print_function, division from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np # Set up an input spectrum x = np.linspace(5000.0, 5100.0, 1000) y = np.ones(x.size) # Introduce some delta-peaked lines y[165] = 0.7 y[187] = 0.3 y[505] = 0.1 y[610] = 0.1 y[615] = 0.7 # Apply Gaussian instrumental broadening, setting the resolution to 10000. r, fwhm = pyasl.instrBroadGaussFast(x, y, 10000, edgeHandling="firstlast", fullout=True) # Apply Gaussian instrumental broadening, setting the resolution to 10000. # Limit the extent of the Gaussian broadening kernel to five standard # deviations. r2, fwhm = pyasl.instrBroadGaussFast(x, y, 10000, edgeHandling="firstlast", fullout=True, maxsig=5.0) print("FWHM used for the Gaussian kernel: ", fwhm, " A") # Plot the output plt.plot(x, r, 'r--p', label="Broadened curve (full)") plt.plot(x, r2, 'k:', label="Broadened curve (5 stds)") plt.plot(x, y, 'b-', label="Input") plt.legend(loc=4)