Doppler shifting a spectrum ============================ .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.pyasl .. autofunction:: dopplerShift Example: Shifting ---------------------- :: from __future__ import print_function, division from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np # Create a "spectrum" with 0.01 A binning ... wvl = np.linspace(6000., 6100., 10000) # ... a gradient in the continuum ... flux = np.ones(len(wvl)) + (wvl/wvl.min())*0.05 # ... and a Gaussian absorption line flux -= np.exp(-(wvl-6050.)**2/(2.*0.5**2))*0.05 # Shift that spectrum redward by 20 km/s using # "firstlast" as edge handling method. nflux1, wlprime1 = pyasl.dopplerShift(wvl, flux, 20., edgeHandling="firstlast") # Shift the red-shifted spectrum blueward by 20 km/s, i.e., # back on the initial spectrum. nflux2, wlprime = pyasl.dopplerShift(wvl, nflux1, -20., edgeHandling="fillValue", fillValue=1.0) # Check the maximum difference in the central part indi = np.arange(len(flux)-200) + 100 print("Maximal difference (without outer 100 bins): ", max(np.abs(flux[indi]-nflux2[indi]))) # Plot the outcome plt.title("Initial (blue), shifted (red), and back-shifted (green) spectrum") plt.plot(wvl, flux, 'b.-') plt.plot(wvl, nflux1, 'r.-') plt.plot(wvl, nflux2, 'g.-') Example: Including uncertainties ------------------------------------ :: from __future__ import print_function, division from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt import numpy as np # Create a "spectrum" with 0.01 A binning ... wvl = np.linspace(6000., 6100., 1000) # ... and a Gaussian absorption line flux = 1 - 0.7 * np.exp(-(wvl-6050.)**2/(2.*1.5**2)) # Add some noise err = np.ones_like(flux) * 0.05 # Some points with unusually large error err[500] = 0.3 err[[351, 497, 766, 787]] = 0.3 flux += np.random.normal(0, err, len(flux)) # Shift that spectrum to the blue by 17 km/s including errors nflux1, wlprime1, nerr1 = pyasl.dopplerShift(wvl, flux, -17., edgeHandling="firstlast", err=err) plt.errorbar(wvl, flux, yerr=err, fmt='b+', label="Original") plt.errorbar(wvl, nflux1+0.2, yerr=nerr1, fmt='r+', label="Shifted") plt.legend() Note on linear interpolation and noise ------------------------------------------ Say, we represent the spectrum by a series of independent random variables, :math:`F_i`, normally distributed according to .. math:: F_i \sim N(\mu_i,\sigma_i^2) so that the :math:`\mu_i` are the mean values and the :math:`\sigma_i` their standard deviations. A measurement of the spectrum with data points :math:`f_1 \ldots f_n` is then a realization of these random variables. When we obtain a shifted spectrum by linear interpolation between adjacent data points, :math:`f_i` and :math:`f_{i+1}`, we obtain updated data points according to .. math:: g_i = a_i f_i + (1-a_i) f_{i+1} \sim N(a_i \mu_i + (1-a_i) \mu_{i+1}, a_i^2 \sigma_i^2 + (1-a_i)^2 \sigma_{i+1}^2 ) where the :math:`a_i` are the interpolation weightings so that :math:`0 \le a \le 1`. The sequence :math:`g_i \ldots g_n` is a realization of respective random variables :math:`G_i`. If the original spectrum is flat and zero (:math:`\mu_i=\mu=0`) and the noise is the same throughout (:math:`\sigma_i=\sigma`), the usual unbiased estimator of the variance of the series of data points .. math:: E[s^2(f_i \ldots f_n)] = E[F_i^2] = E\left[\frac{1}{N-1} \sum (f_i - \bar{f})^2\right] = \sigma^2 where :math:`\bar{f}` is the mean value has expectation :math:`\sigma^2`, which is here identical to the variance of the individual variables. The same estimate for the shifted spectrum reads .. math:: E[s^2(g_i \ldots g_n)] = E[G_i] = E\left[a F_i + (1-a) F_{i+1}\right] = (a^2 + (1-a)^2) \sigma^2 \le \sigma^2 where we assume equal weights :math:`a_i=a`. The variance would thus be underestimated (using this estimator). **Therefore, by shifting a flat spectrum by half a bin, its sample variance is cut in half.** The explanation for this behavior is correlation between consecutive data points. The covariance between adjacent points reads .. math:: COV(G_i, G_{i+1}) &= E[G_i G_{i+1}] = E\left[(a F_i + (1-a) F_{i+1}) (a F_{i+1} + (1-a)F_{i+2}) \right] = a(1-a) \sigma^2 \\ COV(G_i, G_{i+j}) &= 0 \;\; \mbox{for} \;\; j > 1. Therefore, the autocorrelation function (ACF) of the resulting spectrum is non-zero only for lag one, where one finds .. math:: \rho_1 = \frac{a(1-a)}{a^2 + (1-a)^2}