Finding extreme point by parabolic approximation ================================================== .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.pyasl .. autofunction:: quadExtreme Example -------- :: from __future__ import print_function, division import numpy as np from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Create some data (a Gaussian) x = np.arange(100.0) y = np.exp(-(x-50.2714)**2/(2.*5.**2)) # Find the maximum epos, mi = pyasl.quadExtreme(x, y, mode="max") print("Maximum found at index: ", mi, ", value at maximum: ", y[mi]) print("Maximum found by parabolic fit: ", epos) print() # Find the maximum, use a wider range for the # parabolic fit. print("Using 5 points to each side of the maximum") epos, mi = pyasl.quadExtreme(x, y, mode="max", dp=(5, 5)) print("Maximum found at index: ", mi, ", value at maximum: ", y[mi]) print("Maximum found by parabolic fit: ", epos) print() # Do as above, but get the full output print("Using 2 points to each side of the maximum") epos, mi, xb, yb, p = pyasl.quadExtreme(x, y, mode="max", dp=(2, 2), fullOutput=True) # Evaluate polynomial at a number of points. # Note that, internally, the x-value of the extreme point has # been subtracted before the fit. Therefore, we need to re-shift # it in the plot. newx = np.linspace(min(xb), max(xb), 100) model = np.polyval(p, newx) # Plot the "data" plt.plot(x, y, 'bp') # Mark the points used in the fitting (shifted, because xb is shifted) plt.plot(xb+x[mi], yb, 'rp') # Overplot the model (shifted, because xb is shifted) plt.plot(newx+x[mi], model, 'r--')