Deredden flux vector (unred) ============================= .. p23ready .. currentModule:: PyAstronomy.pyasl .. autofunction:: unred Example of usage ------------------ :: from PyAstronomy import pyasl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Approximate a solar spectrum using a Planck # function with a temperature of 5778 K between # 3000 A and 8000 A. wvl = np.arange(3000., 8000., 1.0) flux = pyasl.planck(T=5778., lam=wvl*1e-10) # Deredden the spectrum assuming ebv=0.1 fluxUnred = pyasl.unred(wvl, flux, ebv=0.1, R_V=3.1) # Plot the result plt.title("Reddened flux (red) and dereddened flux (blue)") plt.plot(wvl, flux, 'r--') plt.plot(wvl, fluxUnred, 'b--')