Access the data base ================================== .. p23ready .. currentmodule:: PyAstronomy.pyasl PyA provides the :py:func:`ExoplanetEU2` to access the data provided by The class download the data as a Virtual Observatory (VO) table to provide access to it. .. note:: PyA also provides the :py:func:`ExoplanetEU` (note the missing '2'), which is the predecessor of the above implementation. Although functional, this implementation should be considered deprecated. ExoplanetEU2 ------------------ Example: Usage of ExoplanetEU2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: from __future__ import print_function, division from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt # Instantiate exoplanetEU2 object v = pyasl.ExoplanetEU2() # Show the available data v.showAvailableData() print() # Get a list of all available column names acs = v.getColnames() print("Available column names: " + ", ".join(acs)) print() # Select data by planet name (returns a dictionary) print(v.selectByPlanetName("CoRoT-2 b")) print() # Get all data as an astropy table at = v.getAllDataAPT() # Export all data as a pandas DataFrame pd = v.getAllDataPandas() # Plot mass vs. SMA plt.title("Mass vs. SMA") plt.xlabel("[" + v.getUnitOf("mass") + "]") plt.ylabel("[" + v.getUnitOf("semi_major_axis") + "]") plt.loglog(at["mass"], at["semi_major_axis"], 'b.') API documentation (ExoplanetEU2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: ExoplanetEU2 :members: :inherited-members: ExoplanetEU (deprecated) ----------------------------- Example: Using ExoplanetEU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: from __future__ import print_function, division from PyAstronomy import pyasl import matplotlib.pylab as plt eu = pyasl.ExoplanetEU() # See what information is available cols = eu.availableColumns() print(cols) print() # Get all data and plot planet Mass vs. # semi-major axis in log-log plot dat = eu.getAllData() plt.xlabel("Planet Mass [RJ]") plt.ylabel("Semi-major axis [AU]") plt.loglog(dat.plMass, dat.sma, 'b.') API documentation (ExoplanetEU) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: ExoplanetEU :members: :inherited-members: