The funcFit2 introduction and tutorial

This tutorial is supposed to enable you to exploit the funcFit2 functionality by presenting an anthology of examples.

Some knowledge of numpy, SciPy, and matplotlib is helpful to dive in.


Please mind the citation request for use of the scipy algorithms explained here.


To run the example in this tutorial you need to have installed the following packages:

After installing PyAstronomy (PyA), funcFit2 is available for being used. As a first step, let us import the package and check the status of scipy and emcee in out installation. To that end,

from PyAstronomy import funcFit2 as fuf2


Depending on your installation the output should look like:

Status of funcFit2:
Is scipy.optimize available?  yes
  Version:  1.1.0
Is emcee available?  yes
  Version:  2.2.1

Models, parameter, and basic fitting

On the objective function

The objective function as the function, the value of which is to be minimized. Generally, the objective function needs to be specified when a minimization is intended. Models can but do not have to define objective functions. For example, the GaussFit model defines a chi square objective functions, which is often useful, but does not have to be used.

Restrictions of parameter ranges

A restriction in funcFit2 limits the valid range of values of a parameter. Restrictions are common as boundary conditions in modeling and problems of optimization. For example, the width (standard deviation) of a Gaussian must be positive or certain spectral lines must only occur in absorption or emission for physical reasons.

Restrictions can be handled in many ways. The possibilities to implement restrictions include:

  • Parameter transformations The restriction can be absorbed in the definition of the model, e.g., by using the absolute value of the standard deviation in calculating a Gaussian curve. Also mapping of the real number onto a finite range such as the sigmoid function can be used.

  • Optimization algorithms Some optimization algorithm allow to specify boundaries (or more general constraints) for the parameter values. One example of such an algorithm is scipy’s fmin_l_bfgs_b.

  • Penalty functions Restrictions can be implemented by penalizing the objective function when the boundaries are violated. If combined with an optimization algorithm based on gradient descent, it is often helpful to implement “soft edges” for penalty, i.e., a strong but finite gradient in the objective, which allows the algorithm to “find its way back”.

Use penalties to enforce restrictions

Penalties are funcFit2’s default mechanism to account for restrictions. A restriction is specified by a two-valued list with a lower and an upper limit for the parameter range. None can be used to indicate that no boundary applies on one (or both) sides. Restrictions can be added to parameters via the setRestriction method.

If a parameter value violates the specified boundary restrictions by some margin x, a value of abs(x)*penaltyFactor is added to the value of the objective function. The default value of penaltyFactor is 1e20.

Algorithm allowing boundary conditions (fmin_l_bfgs_b)

Here directly invoke the fmin_l_bfgs_b as implemented in scipy to carry out an optimization with boundary conditions

Use a convenience function to automatically channel the restrictions from the model to the algorithm

Use a custom objective function

Custom objective functions can be specified for any model.

Applying relations

Relations define functional dependences between different parameter values (e.g., it may be desirable sometimes to treat to parameters as equal).

Custom models

Using custom models is easy.

Arithmetic combination of models

Models can be combined by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing them using the conventional arithmetic operators. In funcFit2, the operation is actually applied to the result of the ‘evaluate’ method of the models. This can be useful in many cases, but it may fail if, e.g., the calling sequences of the evaluate methods differ or the model does not have any such method.

MCMC sampling with emcee