List of internal and external optimizers¶
Internal optimizers¶
Base class for internal optimizers¶
- class PyAstronomy.funcFit.IFitterBase¶
Base class for internal fitter.
(*args, **kwargs)Wrapper around the actual fit method.
(minifunc, x0)Carry out the minimization.
Access value of objective function.
- fit(minifunc, x0)¶
Carry out the minimization.
- Parameters
- minifunccallable
Objective function.
- x0list
Starting values
- Returns
- Resultlist or tuple
First item is a list of the best-fit values and second item is the value of the objective function.
- getObjFuncValue()¶
Access value of objective function.
- Returns
- valuefloat
Value of objective function.
- class PyAstronomy.funcFit.ScipyFMIN(*args, **kwargs)¶
Wrapper around scipy.optimize.fmin.
(*args, **kwargs)Wrapper around the actual fit method.
(miniFunc, x0, *fminpars, **fminargs)Wrapper around scipy.optimize.fmin.
()Access value of objective function.
- fit(miniFunc, x0, *fminpars, **fminargs)¶
Wrapper around scipy.optimize.fmin.
FuFNM is based on the Nelder-Mead-Simplex implemenetation of funcFit (see NelderMead()
- class PyAstronomy.funcFit.FuFNM(*args, **kwargs)¶
Downhill-Simplex algorithm for minimization.
This implementation is based on the publication: Nelder and Mead, The Computer Journal 7, 308-313, 1965 (NM 1965)
- Halting criterion
The default stop criterion is the one used by NM 1965. In particular, the value
\[\sqrt{\sum (\bar{y}-y_i) / n}\]is calculated. If it falls below the limit defined by the attribute nmCritLim, the iteration stops.
- Parameters
- abgtuple of three floats, optional
Values for alpha, beta, and gamma.
- iswfloat, optional
Initial step width for simplex.
- critlimfloat, optional
Critical limit for stopping criterion.
- Attributes
- alpha, beta, gammafloat
The reflection-, expansion-, and contraction-coefficients. The default values (after NM 1965) are 1.0, 0.5, and 2.0. These coefficients control the modification of the simplex.
- initialStepWidthFacfloat
This factor determines how the initial simplex is calculated. The first simplex point is the starting value, the others are constructed by adding a fraction defined by this factor to the starting value. The default is 0.05.
- nmCritLimfloat
Critical value for the NM 1965 stopping criterion. The default is 1e-8.
(*args, **kwargs)Wrapper around the actual fit method.
(miniFunc, x0, *fminpars, **fminargs)Wrapper around funcFit's NelderMead implementation.
()Access value of objective function.
- fit(miniFunc, x0, *fminpars, **fminargs)¶
Wrapper around funcFit’s NelderMead implementation.
See the implementation of the fit method of
for the available keyword arguments (fminargs).