FuncFit data set¶
The funcFit data set encapsulates the data to be fitted.
- class PyAstronomy.funcFit.FufDS(x, y, yerr=None)¶
FuncFit data set.
- Parameters
- xarray
Specify the abscissa.
- yarray
Specify the data.
- yerrarray, optional
The error of the data.
Check whether x, y, and yerr are not None:
Check whether yerr is defined or None.
- xyyerrDefined()¶
Check whether x, y, and yerr are not None:
- Returns
- Definedboolean
True, if x, y, and yerr are not None.
- yerrDefined()¶
Check whether yerr is defined or None.
- Returns
- Definedboolean
True, if yerr is not None.