Harmonic timing analysis using periodograms¶
The search for harmonic signals in the presence of noise is a fundamental problem of timing analysis. This package provides a collection of periodogram implementations to approach this problem.
The cornerstone of this package is the implementation of the “Generalized Lomb-Scargle (GLS) periodogram”. The class is also available as a stand-alone module via the page of Mathias Zechmeister.
Classical Lomb-Scargle and FFT¶
PyAstronomy provides a class to calculate the Fast Fourier transform (Fourier). and a class to calculate the classical Lomb-Scargle periodogram (LombScargle). The latter can be treated as a special case of the GLS and the GLS class can be used to obtain it.
- vdK
van der Klis, Fourier Techniques In X-Ray Timing
- Leahy83
Leahy et al. 1983, “On searches for pulsed emission with application to four globular cluster X-ray sources - NGC 1851, 6441, 6624, and 6712”, 1983ApJ…266..160L
- ZK09
Zechmeister & Kuerster 2009, “The generalised Lomb-Scargle periodogram. A new formalism for the floating-mean and Keplerian periodograms”, 2009A&A…496..577Z
- HB86
Horne & Baliunas 1986, “A prescription for period analysis of unevenly sampled time series”, 1986ApJ…302..757H
- Scargle82
Scargle 1982, “Studies in astronomical time series analysis. II - Statistical aspects of spectral analysis of unevenly spaced data”, 1982ApJ…263..835S
- NR
Numerical Recipes in C, Second edition