The stringlength method¶
The stringlength method is a technique to search for potentially nonsinusoidal, periodic variation in a data set. The idea consists to fold the data with a number of trial periods. Consecutive points in the phased data set are connected by hypothetical lines and the total length (the string length) is calculated. The strong length statistic assumes a minimum, when the folding produces a well ordered set. The stringlength method is described by in detail by Dworetsky 1983, MNRAS 203, 917-924.
Example: A string length analysis¶
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from PyAstronomy import pyTiming as pyt
period = 1.75
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
y = 20 * np.sin(2*np.pi*x/period)
y += np.random.normal(0, 1, len(x))
# Trial periods to be tested (200 trial periods between 0.5 and 4.5;
# same units as x-axis)
tps = (0.5, 4.5, 200)
# Calculate string length
p, sl = pyt.stringlength_dat(x, y, tps)
# Show the string length. An alias at the double period
# (half frequency) is obvious.
plt.plot(p, sl, 'b.-')
plt.ylabel("String length")
plt.xlabel("Trial period")
Function documentation¶
- PyAstronomy.pyTiming.stringlength_dat(x, m, tps, norm='default', isFreq=False, closed=True)¶
Compute string length for data set.
- Parameters
- x, marrays
x and y coordinates of data points.
- tpstuple or array
The trial periods (or frequencies): Either a three-tuple specifying (pmin, pmax, nperiods) used by numpy’s linspace or an array of trial periods. If isFreq is True, tps is interpreted as frequencies.
- isFreqboolean, optional
If True, the input tps will be assumed to refer to frequencies instead of periods.
- normstring, {default, no}
If ‘default’ (default), the data points (mi) will be renormalized according to Eq. 3 in Dworetsky 1983, i.e., using mnew = (mi - min(m)) / (2*(max(m) - min(m))). If ‘no’ is specified, the data will not be changed.
- closedboolean, optional
If True (default), first and last point on the phase axis will be connected (close the loop).
- Returns
- Trial periods/frequenciesarray
The tested periods (or frequencies if isFreq is True).
- String lengtharray
Associated string lengths
- PyAstronomy.pyTiming.stringlength_pm(p, m, norm='default', closed=True)¶
Compute the string length for phased data set.
- Parameters
- parray
The phase array (0-1). Sorted in ascending order.
- marray
Data array
- normstring, {default, no}
If ‘default’ (default), the data points (mi) will be renormalized according to Eq. 3 in Dworetsky 1983, i.e., using mnew = (mi - min(m)) / (2*(max(m) - min(m))). If ‘no’ is specified, the data will not be changed.
- closedboolean, optional
If True (default), first and last point on the phase axis will be connected (close the loop).
- Returns
- slfloat
The string length
- PyAstronomy.pyTiming.stringlength_norm(m, norm)¶
Normalize string length data set.
- Parameters
- marray
Data array
- normstring, {default, no}
If ‘default’ (default), the data points (mi) will be renormalized according to Eq. 3 in Dworetsky 1983, i.e., using mnew = (mi - min(m)) / (2*(max(m) - min(m))). If ‘no’ is specified, the data will not be changed.
- Returns
- msarray
The normalized data