Interactive model explorer

The “FuncFit model explorer” is a GUI tool, which can be used to manipulate and plot funcFit models interactively. Individual model parameters can be selected and their values can be manipulated via the mouse wheel or changed directly.

See the following example to explore its possibilities.

Example—Manipulating a Gaussian

This example demonstrates the basic usage of the model explorer.

import numpy as np
from PyAstronomy import pyaGui
from PyAstronomy import funcFit as fuf

# Create a Gaussian fitting instance
# and set some parameters
gg = fuf.GaussFit1d()
gg["A"] = 1.0
gg["sig"] = 0.5

# Let A and mu be free during a fit
gg.thaw(["A", "mu"])

# Create some artificial data
x = np.linspace(-2., 2., 100)
yerr = np.ones(len(x))*0.01
y = gg.evaluate(x) + np.random.normal(0., 0.01, len(x))

# In order to use the interactive explorer, you
# need a class, which plots the model. The default
# class for this purpose is "FFModelPlotFit", which
# needs the x and y values. Optionally, you can specify
# errors via `yerr`. Depending on the setting for
# "withResiduals", the residuals will be shown or not.
mp = pyaGui.FFModelPlotFit(x, y, yerr=yerr, withResiduals=True)

# Use the function ffmodelExplorer (note the lowercase letters)
# to create an instance of the FFModelExplorer class, which
# needs to be given the model (gg in this case) and
# the plotter (and fitter), which we created above.
g = pyaGui.ffmodelExplorer(gg, mp)
