Calculate the airmass

Plane-parallel atmosphere


Calculate airmass for plane parallel atmosphere.

zanglefloat or array

The zenith angle in degrees.

Airmassfloat or array

The airmass assuming a plane parallel atmosphere.

Example: Airmass with plane-parallel atmosphere

from __future__ import print_function, division
from PyAstronomy import pyasl

print("Airmass for plane-parallel atmosphere")
for za in range(0,70,10):
  print("Zenith angle: %2d deg, airmass = %7.2f" % \
    (za, pyasl.airmassPP(za)))

Airmass for spherical, homogeneous atmosphere

PyAstronomy.pyasl.airmassSpherical(zangle, obsAltitude, rearth=6371.0, yatm=10.0)

Calculate the airmass for a given zenith angle and observer altitude.

This routine uses a geometric formula for a homogeneous, spherical atmosphere with an elevated observer.


In this model, the airmass is not necessarily one toward the zenith.

zanglefloat, array

Zenith angle of an object in deg.


Elevation of the observer in meter.

rearthfloat, optional

Earth’s radius in km.

yatmfloat, optional

Height of the atmosphere in km.

Airmassfloat or array

The airmass.

Example: Airmass with homogeneous, spherical atmosphere

from __future__ import print_function, division
from PyAstronomy import pyasl

obsAlt = 2400.0

for za in range(0,90,10):
  print("Zenith angle: %2d, airmass = %7.2f" % \
    (za, pyasl.airmassSpherical(za, obsAlt)))