SYSREM, Principle Component Analysis, and eigenvectors

A comparison between the results of SYSREM, a PCA, and the eigenvectors of a small artificial data matrix, using equal uncertainties for all data points. In this case, all of these are basically equivalent.

In [1]:
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
import numpy as np
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
In [2]:
# n observations (e.g., light curves) with m data points each
n = 4
m = 7

# Some arbitrary observations (with observations is COLUMNS)
obs = np.zeros( (m,n) )
for i in range(0, n):
    for j in range(m):
        obs[j,i] = j*i**3+j*i**2+(j+i+1)
# Equal error for all data points
sigs = np.ones_like(obs)

[[  1.   2.   3.   4.]
 [  2.   5.  16.  41.]
 [  3.   8.  29.  78.]
 [  4.  11.  42. 115.]
 [  5.  14.  55. 152.]
 [  6.  17.  68. 189.]
 [  7.  20.  81. 226.]]


In [3]:
print("PCA analysis with sklearn")
pca = PCA()
# Use transpose to arrange observations along rows
res =
print(f"PCA components:")
print(f"N features = {pca.n_features_in_}")
print(f"N samples = {pca.n_samples_}")
print(f"Means = {pca.mean_}")
PCA analysis with sklearn
PCA components:
[[ 0.0074  0.1106  0.2137  0.3168  0.4199  0.523   0.6261]
 [-0.6813 -0.523  -0.3646 -0.2062 -0.0478  0.1106  0.2689]
 [ 0.7132 -0.4009 -0.4557 -0.098  -0.0708 -0.0164  0.3286]
 [ 0.0125 -0.3426  0.009   0.1088  0.8224 -0.3686 -0.2414]]
N features = 7
N samples = 4
Means = [ 2.5 16.  29.5 43.  56.5 70.  83.5]

Eigenvalues and -vectors (of covarinace matrix)

In [4]:
print("Centering data matrix")
obscentered = obs.copy()
for i in range(obs.shape[0]):
    obscentered[i,::] -= np.mean(obscentered[i,::])

# Covariance matrix
covm = np.matmul(obscentered, obscentered.T) / (n-1)
V, W = np.linalg.eig(covm)
V = np.abs(V)
print(f"Eigenvalues = {np.array(sorted(V, reverse=True))}")
indi = np.argsort(V)
print("Eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector")
for i in range(2):
    print("    %g " % V[indi[-1-i]], np.real(W[::,indi[-1-i]]))
Centering data matrix
Eigenvalues = [2.5680e+04 5.2070e-01 6.0519e-13 6.0519e-13 4.1886e-13 5.3808e-14
Eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector
    25680.1  [0.0074 0.1106 0.2137 0.3168 0.4199 0.523  0.6261]
    0.520696  [-0.6813 -0.523  -0.3646 -0.2062 -0.0478  0.1106  0.2689]


The unit length vectors ‘a’ of the SYSREM model may be compared with the PCA components and the eigenvectors pertaining to the largest two eigenvalues. They are equal except for, potentially, a sign.

In [5]:
# Instatiate SYSREM object. Apply centering across fetaures but not along observations
sr = pyasl.SysRem(obs, sigs, ms_obs=False, ms_feat=True)
print("First SYSREM iteration")
r1, a1, c1 = sr.iterate()
print("unit vector a = ", a1/np.linalg.norm(a1))
print("last_ac_iterations: ", sr.last_ac_iterations)
print("Second SYSREM iteration")
r2, a2, c2 = sr.iterate()
print("unit vector a = ", a2/np.linalg.norm(a2))
print("last_ac_iterations: ", sr.last_ac_iterations)

First SYSREM iteration
unit vector a =  [0.0074 0.1106 0.2137 0.3168 0.4199 0.523  0.6261]
last_ac_iterations:  1
Second SYSREM iteration
unit vector a =  [-0.6813 -0.523  -0.3646 -0.2062 -0.0478  0.1106  0.2689]
last_ac_iterations:  0