Spectral type vs. Teff and luminosity¶
The class SpecTypeDeJager()
implements the relation given by
de Jager and Nieuwenhuijzen 1987, A&A 177, 217-227.
Example: Basic Usage¶
from __future__ import print_function
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
# Instantiate class object
sdj = pyasl.SpecTypeDeJager()
llum, lteff = sdj.lumAndTeff("K0", "V")
print("Luminosity = {0:4.2f} Lsun".format(10.0**llum))
print("Effective temperature = {0:6.1f} K".format(10.0**lteff))
Example: Teff and luminosity as a function of spectral type¶
from __future__ import print_function
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Instantiate class object
sdj = pyasl.SpecTypeDeJager()
# Set luminosity class
lk = "V"
# Save spectral types, log(teff), and log(luminosity)
spts = []
lteffs = []
llums = []
# Save information to annotate abscissa
xt = []
xtl = []
for t in "OBAFGKM":
for n in range(10):
if (t == "O") and (n == 0):
# Skip the invalid "O0" type
# Save the spectral type
spts.append(t + str(n))
# Get log10 of luminosity and effective temperature
ll, lt = sdj.lumAndTeff(spts[-1], lk)
# and save to lists
# Save location (i.e., number in the list) and
# spectral for annotating the abscissa
if (n == 0) or (n == 5):
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
# Plot log10(effective temperature)
plt.setp(ax1, xticks=xt, xticklabels=xtl)
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
# Plot log10(luminosity)
plt.setp(ax2, xticks=xt, xticklabels=xtl)
plt.xlabel("Spectral type")
- class PyAstronomy.pyasl.SpecTypeDeJager¶
Spectral type calibration from de Jager and Nieuwenhuijzen.
This class implements the spectral type calibration presented by de Jager and Nieuwenhuijzen 1987, A&A 177, 217-227 (DJ87). Specifically, the authors calibrate the relation between spectral type and stellar luminosity and effective temperature for a wide range of spectral types and luminosity classes.
DJ87 give their results in the form of a polynomial relation with 20 coefficients (Eqs. 2a and 2b) as well as in the form of their Tables 5 and 6.
Tables 5 and 6 in DJ87 are calculated on the basis of a 40 parameter solution, which is not given in the paper. The numbers based on the 20 parameter polynomial solution deviate from the tabulated numbers by typically a few percent for the effective temperature and 10 percent for the luminosities (not their logarithm).
(spt, lk)Get effective temperature and luminosity.
- _cheby(i, x)¶
Evaluate the Chebychev polynomial.
- _decomposeSPT(spt)¶
Decomposes spectral type into ‘basic type’ and subtype.
- Parameters
- sptstring
Spectral type (e.g, F8.5)
- Returns
- Basic typestring
Type with integer subtype (e.g., F8)
- Subtypefloat
Subtype as a float (e.g., 8.5)
- _indexSpecType(spt)¶
Get index of spectral type in list and check validity.
- Returns
- indexint
Position in self._types list
- _resolve_b(lk)¶
Resolve numerical value of variable b.
- Parameters
- lkstring
Luminosity class (e.g., IV)
- Returns
- bfloat
The value of b
- _resolve_s(bt, st)¶
Resolve numerical value of variable s.
- Parameters
- btstring
Spectral type (e.g., F3), no LK included
- stfloat
Subtype (e.g., 3.5 from F3.5)
- Returns
- sfloat
Value of s
- lumAndTeff(spt, lk)¶
Get effective temperature and luminosity.
- Parameters
- sptstring
The spectral type (may include float subtype). For instance, F3, F3.5, or K2
- lkstring, {V, IV, III, II, Ib, Iab, Ia, Ia+}
The luminosity class.
- Returns
- log10(L)float
The base-10 logarithm of the luminosity in units of the solar luminosity.
- log10(teff)float
The base-10 logarithm of the effective temperature.