Noise estimation by polynomial approximation

The estimateSNR() function provides an algorithm to estimate the SNR in a data set.

PyAstronomy.pyasl.estimateSNR(x, y, xlen, deg=1, controlPlot=False, xlenMode='dataPoints')

Estimate Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in a data set.

This function provides a simple algorithm to estimate the SNR in a data set. The algorithm subdivides the data set into sections with a length determined by the xlen parameter. Each individual subsection is fitted using a polynomial of degree deg. The SNR is then computed by assuming that the resulting chi square value is properly distributed according to the chi-square distribution.


The abscissa values.


The ordinate values.

xlenint or float

Length of the data subsection considered in the computation of the SNR. Whether xlen refers to the number of data points or a fixed subsection of the abscissa is determined by the xlenMode flag.

degint, optional

Degree of the polynomial used to fit the subsection of the data set. The default is one.

controlPlotboolean, optional

If True, a control plot will be shown to verify the validity of the estimate.

xlenModestring, {“dataPoints”, “excerpt”, “all”}, optional

Determines whether xlen refers to data points or a fixed length scale on the abscissa. If ‘all’ is specified, all available data will be used in the estimation.


Contains the SNR estimate for the individual subsections (key ‘snrs’) and the final SNR estimate (mean of all ‘sub-SNRs’, key ‘SNR-Estimate’).

Example—Estimating SNR ratio

from __future__ import print_function, division
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
import numpy as np

# Number of data points
N = 10000
# Signal to noise ratio
SNR = 50.0

# Create some data with noise and a sinusoidal
# variation.
x = np.arange(N)
y = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0/SNR, N) + 1.0
y += np.sin(x/500.0*2.*np.pi)*0.1

# Estimate the signal to noise ratio. Check whether the
# estimate fits the input...
# Use a chunk length of 20 data points, a polynomial of degree
# one, and produce a "control plot".
snrEsti = pyasl.estimateSNR(x, y, 20, deg=1, controlPlot=True)
print("Estimate of the SNR: ", snrEsti["SNR-Estimate"])

# Use a chunks with a length of 27, a polynomial of degree
# two, and produce a "control plot".
snrEsti = pyasl.estimateSNR(x, y, 27, deg=2, controlPlot=False, xlenMode="excerpt")
print("Estimate of the SNR: ", snrEsti["SNR-Estimate"])