Access to Kurucz atmospheric models¶
The classes and functions available here provide access to the model grids made available by Robert L. Kurucz on:
Model grids are downloaded on first request and stored in PyA’s data path.
Example: Get access to the models¶
from __future__ import print_function, division
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
km = pyasl.KuruczModels()
# See what model grids are available
# See whether model grid for log(metallicity) = 0.0
# is available
# Obtain the model grid for solar metallicity
mg = km.requestModelGrid(0.0)
# See what Teffs and logg are available
print("Teffs: ", mg.availableTeffs())
print("Loggs: ", mg.availableLoggs())
# Use simple access method to obtain a model.
# The input is: Teff, logg, and log10(metallicity)
model = pyasl.getKuruczModel(4250, 4.5, 0.1)
Purge data¶
If required, e.g., to initiate a re-download, the Kurucz data stored in PyA’s data directory can be deleted.
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
Classes and functions¶
- PyAstronomy.pyasl.getKuruczModel(teff, logg, met, nameadd='')¶
Obtain a Kurucz model
- Parameters
- tefffloat
Effective temperature [K]
- loggfloat
Logarithmic surface gravity [cgs]
- metfloat
Logarithmic metallicity, e.g., +0.1.
- nameaddstring, optional
Name extension of the model grid; for instance, “NOVER”.
- Returns
- Modellist of strings
The requested model.
- PyAstronomy.pyasl.purgeKuruczData()¶
Remove downloaded Kurucz data from PyA’s data directory
- class PyAstronomy.pyasl.KuruczModels¶
Provides access to the Kurucz models.
All available model grids.
Get filename for list of grids
(met[, add])Check whether model grid is available.
List links to available grids
(met[, add])Get a model grid.
- availableGrids()¶
All available model grids.
- Returns
- Available gridslist of strings
The names of all available model grids.
- getListOfGridsFN()¶
Get filename for list of grids
- gridAvailable(met, add='')¶
Check whether model grid is available.
- Parameters
- metfloat
Log10 of metallicity.
- Returns
- Availability flagboolen
True, if model grid is available.
- listGridLinks()¶
List links to available grids
- requestModelGrid(met, add='')¶
Get a model grid.
- Parameters
- metfloat
Log10 of the metallicity. For instance use: 0.0, +0.1, +0.5, or -0.5.
- Returns
- Model gridKuruczMT
The model grid enclosed in a class instance, which allows easy access to the models.
- class PyAstronomy.pyasl.KuruczMT(fn)¶
Provides access to individual models in a model grid.
- Parameters
- fnstring
Name of the Kurucz model file.
- Attributes
- teffsarray
Available effective temperatures [K] in ascending order.
- loggsarray
Available loggs in ascending order [cgs].
- modelsdictionary
The key is a tuple of the form: (teff, logg, met) and the value is a list of strings representing the model.
- metfloat
The logarithmic metallicity of the model grid.
Get available logg values.
Get available effective temperatures.
(teff, logg[, met])Get a model.
Get metallicity of model grid.
(teff, logg[, met])Determine whether model is available.
- availableLoggs()¶
Get available logg values.
Note that not all models are available for all logg values.
- Returns
- Loggsarray
Array of available loggs sorted in ascending order.
- availableTeffs()¶
Get available effective temperatures.
- Returns
- Teffsarray
Array of available effective temperatures sorted in ascending order.
- getModel(teff, logg, met=None)¶
Get a model.
- Parameters
- tefffloat
Effective temperatures [K]
- loggfloat
Logg [cgs]
- metfloat, optional
Logarithmic metallicity. If not given, the metallicity of the model grid is used.
- Returns
- Modellist of strings
The model as found on the file.
- metallicity()¶
Get metallicity of model grid.
- Returns
- metfloat
Log10 of the metallicity.
- modelAvailable(teff, logg, met=None)¶
Determine whether model is available.
- Parameters
- tefffloat
Effective temperatures [K]
- loggfloat
Logg [cgs]
- metfloat, optional
Logarithmic metallicity. If not given, the metallicity of the model grid is used.
- Returns
- Availability flagboolean
True, if the model is available.