A Modern Mean Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence for O9V-Y0V Dwarf Stars¶
A table entitled “A Modern Mean Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence for O9V-Y0V Dwarf Stars” is kindly made available by E. Mamajek. It holds a wealth of information on various stellar parameters as a function of spectral type.
- class PyAstronomy.pyasl.MMSCETSTable(skipUpdate=False, forceUpdate=False)¶
Access to the “Modern Mean Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence” table.
A compilation of data in the form of a table entiled “A Modern Mean Stellar Color and Effective Temperature Sequence for O9V-Y0V Dwarf Stars” is made available by E. Mamajek.
In particular, the following columns are provided: SpT, Teff, logT, BCv, Mv, logL, B-V, Bt-Vt, U-B, V-Rc, V-Ic, V-Ks, J-H, H-K, Ks-W1, Msun, logAge, b-y, #SpT, M_J, M_Ks, Mbol”.
Much of the material (but not all) is published in Pecaut & Mamajek (2013, ApJS, 208, 9), which should be cited when using the data, and another reference for a fraction of the data is Pecaut, Mamajek, & Bubar (2012, ApJ 756, 154). More information can be found on the E. Mamajek’s website and within the data file itself (use the getContent method to get the entire file).
Entries without a valid entry are represented by NaN in this class.
The author of the table, E. Mamajek, states “Please email me if you use the table in your research and/or have any questions. - EEM”.
Returns a list of available column names.
(c)Change the time after which the data are updated.
()Determine the "age" of the data.
(col[, asarray])Get data of specific column.
Get content of data file.
()Get table as astropy table object.
()Determine whether data need to be updated.
- availableColumns()¶
Returns a list of available column names.
- getColumn(col, asarray=True)¶
Get data of specific column.
- Returns
- column dataarray or column object
Data for the specified column.
- getContent()¶
Get content of data file.
The file contains a lot more information about the sources of the data, a change log etc..
- Returns
- contentlist of strings
The content of the file
- getTable()¶
Get table as astropy table object.
from __future__ import print_function
from PyAstronomy import pyasl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# Instantiate class
m = pyasl.MMSCETSTable()
# Print the entire data file
for l in m.getContent():
print(l, end='')
print("Available columns: ", ", ".join(m.availableColumns()))
# Get the tabulated data as an ASCII table
td = m.getTable()
# Plot absolute visual brightness vs. effective temperature
plt.plot(td["Teff"], td["Mv"], 'b.-')
plt.xlabel("Teff [K]")
plt.ylabel("Mv [mag]")